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How to Get Started with Anti-bias Education in Your Classroom and Program

by Julie Olsen Edwards
January/February 2017
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-to-get-started-with-anti-bias-education-in-your-classroom-and-program/5023378/

“What if someone told you that you could contribute in a small but significant way to making the world a better place? Would you want to do it? Of course you would. And should you choose to fully engage in the journey, your reward will be a renewed sense of hope that by our own hand, things really can change.” 

Carol Brunson Day1

Building an Anti-bias program is a way to positively respond to the challenges facing children and families in our highly diverse and still inequitable world. Perhaps a child asks you about a new teacher for whom English is a second language, “Why does he talk so funny?” Or you overhear a child in the dramatic play corner saying, “We can’t have two mommies. My Momma says it’s bad.” Perhaps you’ve noticed that children are choosing to play mainly with children of their own racial identity. Or, you may have rising concern over the news of Black deaths, or the persistence of school failure for children of families with low-incomes, or body shaming, increased bullying, or Islamophobia… any of the hurtful ‘isms’ that our society is struggling with. You want to do something so that this generation of children can live in harmony ...

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