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How to Develop a Strategic Plan

by Laura Dutil Aird
November/December 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-to-develop-a-strategic-plan/5011871/

Strategic planning is a necessary activity in today's business world. Creating a long-range plan is important because it allows you to identify goals and priorities, develop step-by-step action plans, evaluate progress made, and, most importantly, improve program quality. But how do you decide what should be listed in the plan? Or what can you do to make sure the strategic planning process produces tangible results? Follow these recommendations to help you produce a strategic plan for your organization:

Request input from key individuals.

Survey community leaders or hold a meeting to determine how the program or services offered by your organization could be improved. Include individuals such as local physicians, school principals, social service representatives, child welfare workers, business owners, public health officials, or early childhood educators. Select staff and clients should also be asked to participate. Use results from a recent customer satisfaction survey to determine areas needing work.

Compile a comprehensive list of suggestions.

Encourage participants to brainstorm and discuss creative ideas. Provide positive feedback to all who participate and thank them for their input. This allows everyone to share issues important to them and doesn't immediately discount suggestions that might be more difficult to implement.

Understand possible obstacles.

The process of ...

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