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How Do I Relate and Share Professionally?

by Rhonda Forrest and Nadine McCrea
January/February 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-do-i-relate-and-share-professionally/5014349/

Our values and beliefs underpin the way we act and respond to others. Therefore, a reflective journey that deepens our self-awareness is essential to improving ways we communicate and provide foundations for establishing and maintaining relationships. Professionals need to take responsibility for sharing understandings with the field and wider society. By entering into professional debates about early childhood education, we can influence political, professional, and scholarly spheres.

Relating With Others

Deepening values and beliefs. Our professional identities are in part founded on our evolving values and beliefs. This means that our past philosophical notions of early childhood education continue to shape our contemporary ideals and actions. We base our actions in values that may or may not be explicit or clearly understood. Therefore, as part of understanding our own professional foundations, it is essential that we uncover and consider the deep-seated notions that steer and motivate us. This exploration of self can expose personally held concepts that often surprise and may shock us.

Sometimes we hold beliefs which, when tested in real life situations, are inadequate for effective decision making and, therefore, are revealed as simplistic. Often these situations highlight ethical dilemmas, which involve opposing but defensible alternatives (Feeney & Freeman, 1999). ...

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