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How Did You Manage That?

by Pauline Davey Zeece
July/August 1991
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-did-you-manage-that/5008034/

At a time when society demands quick fixes and simple solutions to complex problems, a search for the ideal model of staff management is inviting. A stroll through the business section of your local library or bookstore will afford the opportunity to polish your passion for excellence or mull over megatrends for the next millennium. The truly brave can learn to dance with giants or ponder the leadership secrets of Attila the Hun! While such resources may offer insight into management, none presents the answer to effective staff guidance.

In reality, there is no single right answer. Perhaps this is because staff guidance by its nature is a dynamic process. It is action and growth oriented. As such, it is based on the assumption that everyone in an organization is constantly changing and that all can benefit from growth opportunities.

Although there may not be one right answer, Caruso and Fawcett (1986) suggest that the quality of early childhood programming can only be maintained and improved when administrators have a realistic understanding of how workers grow and develop in their roles as care-givers and teachers.

New Thoughts about Old Ideas

With little time (and usually less money), ...

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