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Helping Childern and Staff Cope with Earthquakes

by Delaine Certo
March/April 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/helping-childern-and-staff-cope-with-earthquakes/5010271/

Twenty-two points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here.Unlike hurricanes, snow storms, floods, and tornadoes, earthquakes come without warning. Quakes leave people feeling fearful and help-less. Aftershocks can last for months and months, rubbing on already raw nerves. Lives are disrupted and routines can be altered. Early childhood programs in earthquake active areas can and should help families prepare for them.

Since I moved to southern California in 1978, I have experienced several earthquakes. The fact that the earth can make us so aware of its movements is sometimes hard to take. When I took over Palms Westminster School as the director in 1980, quake drills and plans were not in effect. I suggested we begin having drop drills at one of my first staff meetings. The staff voted me down. They felt we would be giving children fears where they had none. Within the next year, we had a 3.5 temblor, and when I yelled "Drop!" no one moved. The children continued eating lunch. We had to really work to get children under the tables. The teachers were ...

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