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Healing Staff After a Termination

by Diana S. Khanagov
November/December 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/healing-staff-after-a-termination/5013035/

"As a new director the biggest mistake I made was underestimating the impact of a termination on the rest of the staff," says Pam Scott, a director of a human resources department for Integris. Whether it is a teacher who shirks responsibilities or reliable teachers dismissed because of downsizing, termination affects everyone.

A director's response to situations leading to termination helps the healing process, The key is damage control. Establish a plan for corrective action before you need it. The corrective action plan serves three purposes: it gives employees opportunities to change; it demonstrates that the director can be trusted to handle matters fairly; and, as the process continues, it prepares other staff members for the termination of their teammate.

The physical, emotional, and mental well-being of children cannot be compromised; therefore, some situations and behaviors must result in immediate termination. These should be written in the center's policy handbook. But what about the caregiver having difficulty keeping up with requirements or adapting to the center's improvements for quality care?

Larry Harrell, co-director and owner of Southwest Child Development Center in Oklahoma City, says: "Endangering or belittling a child means immediate termination. My wife, Jana, and I ask ourselves, 'Is ...

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