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Guidelines for Fine Tuning Your Salary Schedule - Traditional and Innovative Practices

by Roger Neugebauer
May/June 1994
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/guidelines-for-fine-tuning-your-salary-schedule-traditional-and-innovative-practices/5009755/

In one of my first forays into the child care world, some 20 years ago, I applied, unsuccessfully, for a job at a staff cooperative. All employees at New Morning Children's Center were paid the same hourly wage and shared equally in responsibilities and decision making. The team spirit of the place is what attracted me to it.

Even in my brief encounter with the center, it was clear that this team spirit was developing a few chinks. The founders of the center shared a strong commitment to equality of pay and power. However, state licensers looked upon the staff structure with horror and were aggressively fighting it. In addition, as new staff members came on board whose ideologies and priorities did not match the founders, internal enthusiasm for equal pay declined.

Eventually, New Morning gave in to the pressures of capitalism and began paying the cook, the administrative coordinators, and the teachers differing amounts. Eventually, too, it changed its name to something like Preschool Prep Learning Center. Eventually, too, it went out of business.

The moral of this story is never turn down a future publisher who can give you bad press. It also demonstrates ...

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