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Guidelines for Evaluating Center Management Software

by Roger Neugebauer
November/December 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/guidelines-for-evaluating-center-management-software/5023278/

Remember when you had to decide between 8-track and compact cassette systems for listening to music in your 1975 Mustang? ­Technologies have advanced to where these systems now only exist in museums. 

Likewise, the use of technology to manage an early childhood program has evolved dramatically over the past decades. But center leaders are still faced with a plethora of choices when it comes to selecting the software package that will best meet their specific needs. This article, based on the insights from the software professionals listed at the end of the article, will offer some basic guidelines to consider in making a wise selection.

What Standard Features Should You Expect?

We have come a long way from the early days when center software simply tracked income and expenses. Now you should expect any management software option you select to include the following functions. You may not require all of these; focus on those functions that are critical for the management of your organization and that would make your life easier as a manager.

Accounting Functions

Tracking income and expenses

Accounts receivable management

Accounts payable management

Auto-billing for fees and online c­ollection

Reporting Functions

Balance sheet

General ledger

Profit and loss

Up-to-the-minute attendance tracking/ratio calculations

State/federal mandated reports

Custom report creation

Child Tracking

Basic child data (birth date, ­immunization ...

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