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Growing Your Staff - Field Tested Training Ideas

by interviews by Susan Morris
May/June 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/growing-your-staff-field-tested-training-ideas/5006733/

Effective in-service training is a continuing concern of directors in all parts of the country, in centers large and small, profit and non profit. How can directors make the continued training of staff interesting, timely, helpful, and personal? In response to your appeals for new in-service ideas, we recently asked directors from our Panel of 100 to share their most successful ideas for in-service training. The ideas these concerned and dedicated directors shared vary from weekly staff meetings and one day workshops to whole training programs for new staff. We would like to thank our Panel of 100 directors for sharing their best ideas. We hope you will find a new idea that works for you!

Julia Tams, Monadnock Community Day Care, Peterborough, New Hampshire: "I feel that it is boring to listen to the same person lead every staff meeting. So I offer to lead staff meetings at other centers, and in return those directors lead my staff meetings. I feel that even if everyone has the same philosophy, hearing it from someone new helps staff to hear and see new possibilities. The other child care professionals and I trade meetings ...

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