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Getting Started with Computers and Children

by Warren Buckleitner
January/February 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/getting-started-with-computers-and-children/5010121/

Unless you've just stepped off a year-long cruise, you've probably heard about the exciting new features and power of the latest computers. Listen to the news or pick up a newspaper and you'll hear terms like "multimedia" and "information highway" and you've probably heard people marveling about wondrous little silver "CD-ROM" disks that can hold complete sets of encyclopedias.

Here's a crash course to catch you up to the minute on the latest news about what these innovations mean to you, the busy child care director (with a limited budget). Besides some safe hardware choices, you will find some of the best new software titles to get you through the next year.

Why Should I Have a Computer for My Kids?

There are two reasons why every classroom or child care center should have a computer - children love them and they can provide a positive learning experience for even the most hard-to-work-with child. The reason they work so well is that they can force children to become active learners by requiring frequent inputs and decisions. Unlike a television, computers wait patiently for a child in a nonjudgmental way and can even adjust automatically to a child's abilities.

What Are the ...

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