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Fun...d Raising

by Mary Van Den Heuvel
January/February 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/fun...d-raising/5007125/

In the early 1980's, Green Bay Day Nursery, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide child care for needy families, was strongly affected by government cutbacks in child care funding. An enterprising and concerned board president, Candy Gilmore, brought together a group of community leaders to lay out a financial plan for the long term support of the Nursery-thus was born the Green Bay Day Nursery Endowment Fund. A variety of ways have been used to build the Endowment, currently at $94,000; but the most exciting and fun way has been the Big Event for Little Kids.

Carol Bush, a member of the board of trustees, never failed to come up with interesting fundraising ideas-how about a giant tinker toy fair? Other trustees looked at more traditional fundraisers-an annual mailer, a fund drive. But Carol was not to be denied, she wanted a children's event and was willing to chair it with energy and enthusiasm.

Laying the Groundwork

Key people with experience in successful community fundraising events were invited to a one time meeting to give us advice. Based on the meeting, a concept paper was drafted.

The Big Event will be a one day festival designed to raise ...

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