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From a Parent's Perspective - When Parents Clash

by Roslyn Duffy
July/August 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-when-parents-clash/5014024/

- Situation -

I want my son to learn good table manners. I think it is important that he ask to be excused when he is done eating or request to have foods passed to him by saying, "Please pass the potatoes." My husband thinks such niceties are totally frivolous. Mark sees nothing wrong with Jeremy just getting up and leaving the table or reaching across to grab what he wants.

It seems like Mark and I disagree on all kinds of things when it comes to parenting. I hate for everything to be a battle, and I am worried that our son won't know who to listen to. Should I stand my ground on table manners?

- Solution -

Standing your ground sounds like a military maneuver. Parenting is not a war. Instead of taking a stand like a noble Napoleon (who, if you remember, didn't fare so well), consider yourself part of a mega-merger. Two corporations, in this case you and Mark, have just been merged, and the two boards must now map out a new corporate structure.

Listen: Variations of Normal

When Mark was growing up, he and his brothers and sisters happily tucked into their French fries and played tug-of-war over ...

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