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From a Parent's Perspective - What to Wear?

by Roslyn Duffy
May/June 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-what-to-wear/5011537/

- Situation -

"It is cold outside. I am wearing a polar fleece pullover, wool slacks, and heavy socks with boots. My four year old daughter looks like an ad for a Hawaiian vacation. She balks at even the mention of a pair of pants, a sweatshirt, or (horrors) her coat. Today she dressed herself in a lacy skirt topped by a pale yellow top, with her summer sandals to complete her outfit. We need to go to the grocery story and her coat is lying on the floor like a battle banner between us."

- Solution -

Often the amount of clothing a child has on is a good indication of how cold the accompanying adult is feeling. Children above the age of two and a half are usually well able to maintain their body heat. One good measure of whether a child is dressed warmly enough is to feel her hands. An active child will have warm hands on even the coldest day. Sometimes that same child will be wearing only a sweater, a light jacket, or have her heavy coat unbuttoned. Meanwhile the adults in the nearby vicinity look like they are heading out to scale Mt. Everest in a ...

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