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From a Parent's Perspective - To Spank or Not to Spank

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-to-spank-or-not-to-spank/5014370/

- Situation -

The cartoon showed a maitre d' greeting a family, the toddler pulling his mother's hair, and the preschooler tugging her hand. The caption read:

"Would you prefer the spanking or non-spanking section?"

When I first saw that cartoon, I despaired that we were destined for the spanking section with our ketchup-spilling, table-crawling, sugar packet-collecting brood of four. Through the years we did manage to civilize our kids and stay seated in the non-spanking section - but it didn't come naturally.

- Solution -

We all want to help our children. We really do. The question is how to do it? In the book, Anger, Mitch Messer, Roman Coronado-Bogdaniak, and Linda Dillon write, "We learn anger management in the same way we learn to wash dishes and make beds. There is not a whole lot of intellectual debate or rational discourse prior to the adoption of a mannerism that will last a lifetime. In other words, in the area of anger management, there hasn't been a brain cell working for four generations."

Replace anger management with the word spanking and the same statement fits. Little Bobby pulls his sister Susie's hair and Bobby's father, Jim, gives Bobby the same swat Jim's mother gave him ...

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