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From a Parent's Perspective - Tantrums

by Roslyn Duffy
September/October 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-tantrums/5012329/

- Situation -

I am having a problem with my three, nearly four year old son. He loves to play at his friend's house or have his friend over to play. The problem is that my son throws a complete fit when he has to leave his friend's house, or if it is time for his friend to leave our house. He yells, kicks, and throws himself to the ground. I end up carrying him off screaming (me as well as him!).

It seems when he is told "no" for whatever reason, he gets really mad and starts stomping his feet and yelling at my husband or me and throws a huge tantrum. I have tried to reason with him on a number of occasions, but it doesn't seem to be working. How can we avoid these outbursts?

- Solution -

Your son does not want to quit playing, leave his friend's house, or have his friend leave his house. The word "no" almost guarantees a struggle. No matter what you do, your son may still throw a tantrum. Avoiding his tantrum is less important than managing not to throw one of your own. There are things that will help both of you. Practice ...

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