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From a Parent's Perspective - Reframing Your Expectations

by Roslyn Duffy
March/April 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-reframing-your-expectations/5013280/

- Situation -

My problem is not about my child but about me. I used to pride myself on the way I kept my house; things were tidy and I would never leave even one unwashed dish in the sink overnight.

Then our son was born. He is almost two, and I cringe when someone stops by for a visit. Yesterday, I was mortified when my neighbor sat down and the sofa squeaked! I tried to laugh and say, "Oh, that's where rubber ducky was hiding!" What I wanted to do was hide instead.

I can't keep up with the mess. I love my little boy, but I don't feel so great about myself anymore.

- Solution -

Maybe before children your house had the elegance of a still life. Now you are learning to live in a shifting mobile. Have your rooms taken on a fractured look as though Picasso put them together? It may be time to redefine your vision of the art of housekeeping.

The changing roles of women and men have made defining who we are difficult. When a child is born we switch from being a couple, a single person, or a family of three or more to something new ...

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