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From a Parent's Perspective - Messy Mealtime

by Roslyn Duffy
November/December 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-messy-mealtime/5011896/

- Situation -

Welcome to mealtime at our house. We refer to our table as Lake Milk. Ever since our sons, ages two and four, entered our lives, this appellation for our dining table suits perfectly. Each meal includes some form of seeping liquid making its rapid progress from table to clothes to floor. The daily spills turn every meal into an ordeal. Survival instincts warned me to quit serving grape juice months ago. When I see milk splatter over my son's last clean tee-shirt, I just want to add my tears to the already soggy table.

- Solution -

No one ever said parenting wasn't messy. Literally. If your idea of breakfast involves sipping aromatic coffee, nibbling at warm fragrant cinnamon rolls, and contemplating the sun rising over the horizon, Lake Milk looks pretty grim. Even with more modest mealtime expectations, endless spills do not promote good digestion.

So let's get practical. Deal with the MESS.

- Mistakes happen.

- Environments can be changed.

- Skills require training.

- Slow down.

Mistakes happen.

I am well past preschool age but rarely dare to wear white clothing. We all spill things at times. Young children are going to spill.

Those tiny hands can barely wrap around a glass. It is a two-fisted achievement to hoist ...

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