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From a Parent's Perspective - Clutter 'R Us

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-clutter-r-us/5013181/

- Situation -

"Our living room looks like a battle zone. If I am lucky enough to avoid being attacked by plastic superheroes, Disney characters, and this month's Happy Meal trinkets, I can count on detonating a Lego or two with my bare toe. The alternative to this disaster scene is to create a scene of my own by yelling at everyone. When I do, we usually end up with just as much mess but with my four-year-old son and two-year-old daughter throwing tantrums while being held hostages in their rooms. I need a better battle plan."

- Solution -

The sight of a room-sized mess is formidable to everyone - children included. One single mom tried an experiment. For two days she gathered up and hid away all the toys lying on the floor at the end of each day. Guess what? The children did not even notice!

Children see a toy advertised on TV, in a magazine, or at the store, and they beg to have it. Mom picks up a new set of blocks at the mall, Grandma shows up with another teddy bear, and the morning cereal box offers irresistible deals. The toys swoop down like a river in ...

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