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From a Parent's Perspective - Anger: Everybody Simmer Down

by Roslyn Duffy
November/December 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-anger-everybody-simmer-down/5013620/

- Situation -

I don't know what to do about my child's anger. She hits me, throws things, and yells whenever she gets upset. She is going to be four next week and I am very anxious to eliminate this anger.

- Solution -

Anger is a hot topic in more ways than one. We refer to it as seeing red, getting steamed, and erupting which all bring to mind images of heat and fire.

In truth, anger is a feeling just like sadness, tranquillity, or joy. When asked which feeling we would prefer to have, we would be more likely to choose joy than anger, but anger is not really a negative or bad emotion. It is what we do when angry that creates problems. Stomping around does not put out fires.

We cannot eliminate anger any more than we can ban fire. Have you gotten angry this past week? Most everyone has. Anger is not going to disappear. In fact, healthy anger can galvanize us into positive action when we see injustices taking place. Angry feelings don't cause problems, angry actions do. Think of anger as a smoke alarm alerting us to a problem.


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