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From a Parent's Perspective: No Hitting

by Roslyn Duffy
November/December 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective--no-hitting/5014863/

- Situation -

Whenever I see a new parenting book, I turn to the index and look-up "hitting." Books that list it refer to spanking. My problem is not spanking but my son's hitting.

Our son is four and when he gets angry he hits his father or me. He kicks, shoves, and pushes us. When this happens we are stunned and don't know what to do. We don't want to spank him; we are non-violent people; and we never argue in front of him. How can we help him get rid of his anger and stop this hitting?

- Solution -

Not Dominoes

Anger and hitting are not the same. Anger is a feeling and hitting is an action. When your son has just kicked you in the shin, this may seem like a meaningless distinction. But it is an important difference because it shifts attention from the anger, which we can't eliminate, to the hitting, which we can.

Everyone feels angry at times. If your friends are not pathological liars or about to be canonized, they are going to admit to having been angry, irritated, frustrated, or annoyed in the past seven days of their lives. Whether they were upset over the two-and-a-half ...

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