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Filthy Rich and Other Nonprofit Fantasies: Creating the Fantasy

by Dr. Richard Steckel
March/April 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/filthy-rich-and-other-nonprofit-fantasies-creating-the-fantasy/5007204/

So you're excited about changing the way your organization does business. You read the first article in this series and have decided it's time to get out of the traditional grant-dependent mold of nonprofits. You want to get started on crafting an entrepreneurial nonprofit. Here's how:

Develop a three year vision. Your vision is a concrete picture of where you want your organization to be in three years. No more, no less. It is a countdown, a goal you will work toward, broken into achievable pieces. Make it firm, make it measurable.

In the process of developing your vision, you have to dream a bit. Put away this morning's memo. Put away every assumption about how your organization operates. You're creating a new organization. For now, anything is possible!

Creating a vision is a systematic process. It requires questioning, brainstorming, and gathering information-from inside and outside your organization. You will examine your strengths and expertise. You will study the audiences you serve and the trends that affect them. You will ask, "Who needs or wants what we can do?" and "What can we do for others?"

Brainstorming possible ventures. ...

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