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Family Partnerships: Building Trust and Respect in Relationships

by Randi Albertsen
September/October 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/family-partnerships-building-trust-and-respect-in-relationships/5027391/

Building relationships with families has always been a priority in early childhood education. We know that some families are grateful and welcome the opportunity to share their child with us. Some families are skeptical about engaging with early care providers. This happens for many reasons: guilt at not being able to stay home; financial burdens of the cost of care; distrust of “the system”, or not finding a good fit. 

To help children trust us, we must first build trust with the family. When families trust us, their children are more likely to trust us. How do you build trust with someone that you might only see for a few moments at a time at morning drop off or evening pick up? How do you find time for connection with caregivers who might be rushed or distracted when they come into your program? How do you build trust with a family when a nanny or babysitter handles drop off and pick up, or the drop-off and pick up person changes daily, when multiple families arrive simultaneously, or when you are busy calming a child as other children are arriving? 

Let’s start by looking at how we build trust in any relationship. ...

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