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Faith and Humor: Finding Joy in Saying Goodbye

by Chelsea Parker
September/October 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/faith-and-humor-finding-joy-in-saying-goodbye/5026168/

June 2015. I had just arrived in Denver, Colorado, to visit my boyfriend (now husband). I cannot recall many details of our plans, but I do know that we headed straight to a tattoo parlor for my first tattoo.

The level of artistry available at the tattoo parlor that day was sub-par to say the least, and I left with a permanent, thick, bulky, black arrow on my inner left wrist that hardly resembled the delicate, beautiful reference I had shared with the “artist.”

How could the day get any worse?! As we made our way through rush-hour traffic, my focus was glued on the unfortunate-looking arrow. We arrived at our hotel, settled in, and I continued to fixate on my fresh ink, trying to convince myself it was not that bad.

My phone rang, it was my mom—no doubt checking in to make sure I had made the journey safely. I answered. I do not remember the conversation other than one short exchange.

“The biopsy was malignant. I have breast cancer.”

Shock triggered my habit to respond to heavy situations with humor. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I just got my first tattoo, and it is terrible!”

We shared a laugh to lighten the ...

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