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Everyone is Doing It!

by Fran Simon
September/October 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/everyone-is-doing-it!/5020112/

Everyone’s doing it: Tweeting, ‘friending,’ blogging, linking, texting, and otherwise zipping around all over the social media landscape. Social media has become more than just a pastime. It is officially now another important communication medium early childhood educators use to establish and enhance meaningful relationships with parents, colleagues, staff members, policymakers, and funders. We’re also asking some very big questions:

• What does all of this social media activity mean for early childhood education?
• How can the adult members of the early childhood ecosystem use social media to achieve their goals and still ensure the privacy, integrity, and safety of children and families?
• How can managers and leaders help staff members use social media with purpose and balance computer time with other practical responsibilities?

As social media use becomes more prevalent in early childhood, we are all searching for balance and thinking about how to establish boundaries. It’s time to begin planning dynamic and responsive social media policies that reflect the culture of our organizations within the context of best practice and ethical conduct.

This article frames the factors to consider as you develop policies and procedures for your setting. Since social media platforms change every day, this piece ...

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