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Everyday Exercises for Healthy Caregivers

by Theresa M. Sull
November/December 2005
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/everyday-exercises-for-healthy-caregivers/5016671/

Caring for young children is physically and emotionally demanding, but both parents and teachers experience great satisfaction when they help children develop in healthy ways. And wise caregivers know that they must keep themselves healthy as well, by including exercise in their daily routine.

Children need exercise, too!

Today’s families are busy. Modern life poses difficulties, so some grown-ups may be busy with employment or education obligations. But teachers can pick up where families leave off, emphasizing fresh air, sunshine, and movement. Early childhood and after-school programs can provide role models, safe spaces and equipment, and motivating games for fitness. Make sure all children have enough exercise and outdoor time to ensure their health!

A trip to the gym does not always fit into a schedule already stretched by family obligations and employment. But the following exercises can be performed while at work �" without interfering with supervision of children in the playground.

In fact, children who watch you stretch will be learning about the importance of movement for good health. They may even join in, or they may add new movements to their own play activities.

Some exercises must be performed while standing, but others can be done when sitting. To make them easier ...

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