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Evaluating Staff Performance - A Valuable Training Tool

by Margie Carter
May/June 1992
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/evaluating-staff-performance-a-valuable-training-tool/5008505/

In teaching a child care management class and doing on-site training and consultation in early childhood programs, I've seen directors struggle to find a performance evaluation form that meets their needs. Most feel that some kind of checklist is all they have time for, yet most forms of this type aren't comprehensive enough to address all the areas of concern. During the 1988-89 school year, I collected scores of evaluation forms and reviewed them with directors. With their feedback I then drafted a form for them to field test during the 1989-90 school year.

The most significant change from the original draft to the one on the following pages is a change in the rating scale used. Originally I had columns for conventional categories such as Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Average, Poor. Directors reported that they found these too subjective and hard to distinguish.

Reinforcing the notion that we need to base evaluations on observable evidence, I then revised the form with the rating scale indicated in the key - how often this attitude and behavior is observed: Frequently, Occasionally, Never.

"Attitude" can be a subjective consideration so it is especially important that examples ...

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