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Children begin engaging in writing activities as early as two years old, by imitating the act of writing by making marks and symbols. Even in the early stages of writing, which include scribbling and imitation of writing, students can still convey messages and read their writing (Byington & Kim, 2017; Feldgus & Cardonick, 1999; Schickedanz & Casbergue, 2004; Sulzby & Teale, 1985). They progress through different stages of writing as they explore and learn more about the act of writing (Schickedanz & Casbergue, 2004; Sulzby & Teale, 1985). Teachers play a critical role in helping to develop these skills and encouraging children to engage in writing activities throughout the day (Bingham et al., 2017; Byington & Kim, 2017).
Early literacy skills are predictors of how students will perform later in both reading and writing. Writing or name writing was one of six variables consistently associated with later reading achievement (Campbell et al., 2019; Rowe, 2018; Rowe & Wilson, 2015). “Overall, preschool writing… has been shown to be an important stepping stone to conventional literacy” (Rowe & Wilson, 2015). Young children’s early attempts at writing provide important opportunities to build understandings and ...