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Employer Child Care Growing and Consolidating

by Roger Neugebauer
May/June 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/employer-child-care-growing-and-consolidating/5010367/

"Should Corporate America Be in the Baby-Sitting Business?"

Working Woman magazine asked this question in its February 1995 issue, and answered with an equivocal "maybe not." The article pointed to Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that from 1991 to 1993 the share of full-time employees in medium size and large private firms offered subsidized child care benefits dropped from 8% to 7%.

Such pessimistic messages about employer child care come unexpectedly. For years we have become accustomed to reading pollyannaish success stories of on-site centers in the popular press.

Those who work actively in the employer child care world take with a grain of salt sweeping claims that child care will be the benefit of the '90s. Nor are they discouraged by occasional dips in interest.

Employer child care consultants and providers are fully aware that even now far less than 1% of US employers provides an on-site center, and that these centers represent less than 1% of all US child care centers. Furthermore, they are aware that even though the demand for child care is nearly recession proof (with the demand often increasing during a mild recession) that interest in employer child care is extremely sensitive to business and employment ...

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