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Employer Child Care Continues Rapid Expansion - Status Report #10 on Employer Child Care

by Roger Neugebauer
July/August 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/employer-child-care-continues-rapid-expansion-status-report-10-on-employer-child-care/5013435/

Employer child care continues to be the fastest growing segment of the North American child care world. In the past 12 months, the top 15 companies managing centers for employers (see "The Exchange Top 15") have increased the number of employer centers they operate by nearly 11%. With the continuing low unemployment rate, more and more employers are seeing the provision of child care as a vital recruitment and retention benefit.

Compared to recent years, it has been a rather quiet year in the employer arena. There were no blockbuster mergers, no major acquisitions, and no public offerings. However, a number of developments in service delivery which are just now gaining momentum promise to create growing excitement in coming months.

On the organizational side, about the only news of note were three leadership changes:

n Roger Brown took over as CEO of Bright Horizons Family Solutions.

n Chase Capital Partners brought in
a new management team, led by ARAMARK veteran Judith Rogala, to spur the development of its La Petite venture.

n Mark Schiller brought a steadying hand to the operations of Tutor Time.

Recent Trends Update

Several trends noted in previous status reports are still impacting the employer arena.
Bright Horizons, the only major player devoted solely to employer child care, ...

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