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Emotional Intelligence from Birth

by Donna Housman
March/April 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/emotional-intelligence-from-birth/5026467/

Now more than ever, as educators and as a society, we are seeing an alarming rise in behavioral problems, bullying, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and lack of empathy. How we learn to express our emotions, manage our feelings, and deal with the emotions of others are key factors in learning, success, our growth as individuals, and the impact we have on others.”


It is hard to believe that we are now entering the third year of the global pandemic. We have all been through so very much, and we are now faced with another pandemic: one of mental health. The anxiety, upheaval and uncertainty of challenging times impacts us all—adults and children alike.

When we envision stress, worry, and anxiety, we usually think of adults as the ones who are dealing with it. If we have learned anything throughout this time, however, it is that our children, from the earliest years, are clearly impacted by what they experience and what the significant adults in their world are experiencing. It is hard to believe that children under five have spent most of their lives in the throes of this pandemic. So concerning is the problem that late last year the United States’ Surgeon ...

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