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Early Childhood Safety Checklist #1 - Emergency Preparedness

by Susan S. Aronson, MD
September/October 1993
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Early Childhood Safety Checklist - #1

Emergency Preparedness

by Susan S. Aronson, MD

Use this checklist to find hazards. Whenever a hazard is found, fix it if you can. If you cannot fix it, make a note of it and plan to get it fixed.

Safety checks should be done at least once a month. Having different people do the safety checks helps find more hazards. The more people who are involved in watching for hazards, the more they will help fix hazards whenever they see them. Safety is everyone's business!

Yes No

_ _ All caregivers have roles and responsibilities in case of fires, injury, or other disasters.

_ _ One or more caregivers certified in first aid and in infant and child CPR is always present.

_ _ All first aid kits have the required supplies. The kits are stored where caregivers can easily reach them in an emergency.

_ _ Caregivers always take a first aid kit on trips.

_ _ Smoke detectors and other alarms work.

_ _ Each room and hallway has a fire escape route clearly posted.

_ _ Emergency procedures and telephone numbers are clearly posted near each phone.

_ _ Children's emergency phone numbers are posted near the phone and can be easily taken along in case of an emergency evacuation.

_ _ Doors and gates all open out for ...

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