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Dreams of a Better Future: Carly and Carolina

by Jean Dugan
May/June 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dreams-of-a-better-future-carly-and-carolina/5021158/

Carly is six. She lives with her grandmother Maria in the outskirts of Cevicos, a small town in the impoverished center of the Dominican Republic, her mother long gone to a larger city. When we visited Carly's home, we climbed over a low gate, ­trying to avoid stepping on, or being pecked by, the chickens wandering in the muddy yard. And there was Carly sitting with her pink Dora backpack in one of the ubiquitous white plastic chairs that are a symbol of hospitality here, engaged in the very serious business of doing her kindergarten homework. "She's good in school" Maria tells us. "I hope she does well." Carly's family has dreams for her.

Carolina is 21. She lives in the heart of Cevicos, in a house where her single mother is the caretaker. Carolina loves clothes, especially shoes — the more outrageous the better; she dreams of becoming a fashion designer someday. But she's a ­practical young woman and is working toward a university degree in accounting. Unlike her contemporaries in the United States, however, her path is long and difficult. The classes she needs are offered only sporadically and many of them at night. Bus ...

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