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Don't Forget the Lasagna

by Emily King
September/October 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dont-forget-the-lasagna/5025526/

It is Sunday night. You are settling down from a busy weekend, family dinner, a few loads of laundry and gearing up for a new week. You are just about to hit play on your DVR when your phone alerts you of a new text message. You are nervous to check it, but you do anyway. It is Ms. Jen, your cook/bus driver/daily break coverage, and she is really, really sorry but she will not be able to make it tomorrow.

Your Sunday evening bliss is now overtaken by panic and anxiety over what kind of day Monday is going to be. Will meals get out on time? How will you maneuver everyone in your building so breaks will get covered? You can do the bus run yourself, but who will cover the front desk while you do it, and oh my gosh, what if that 11 a.m. tour walks in during your madness?

Maybe one infant will not show up, so you can pull a teacher to cover breaks. Oh, and this is also your lead toddler teacher’s last week, so you have to make sure to get solid communication out to your families as soon as possible. 

You can hardly focus ...

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