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Do You Have a Healthy Organization?

by Roger Neugebauer
March/April 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/do-you-have-a-healthy-organization/5007238/

For a body to be healthy, a myriad of bodily functions must operate in perfect harmony. Likewise, for an organization to be healthy, a complex array of interpersonal and administrative functions must be addressed simultaneously. A serious deficiency in any one function can throw the others out of balance and undermine the organization's overall ability to perform.

In recent years, organizational psychologists have begun developing instruments for giving organizational check-ups. Their diagnoses pinpoint areas of stress and malfunctioning. Exchange has analyzed several dozen of these instruments in terms of their applicability to the child care setting.

The following "Organizational Health Checklist" incorporates 40 criteria for an effective child care organization selected from these instruments. This battery is by no means complete-some instruments include several thousand factors to be assessed-but, in the author's opinion, it includes the major factors an administrator in this labor intensive, resource poor field should be concerned with. Anyone wishing to explore these criteria in more detail should refer to the resources listed after the checklist.

In rating your organization against these criteria, several cautions should be kept in mind. First, the criteria as stated represent the optimum level of functioning for ...

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