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Do You Ever Really Get Away? Preparing for a Vacation

by Mary E. Maurer
May/June 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/do-you-ever-really-get-away-preparing-for-a-vacation/5010365/

Child care directors and teachers often find it hard to take a real vacation - to rest or find relief because they are tormented by worries about what is going on at their center. They envision fires, accidents, and burglaries. They imagine staff arguments, parent protests, and student mutiny. Of course, most of those things never happen, but it's the possibilities which ruin a relaxing vacation.

The key to having a relaxed vacation attitude is knowing you've taken care of everything to the best of your ability. The following tips should help you prepare yourself and your staff for your absence.


Don't tell yourself you'll take a vacation "when things settle down at the center." If you wait until Jimmy stops biting, Angela's divorce is final, Monica has her baby, the new sink is installed, and the weather is better, chances are you'll never go. Child care centers are busy places filled with children and adults whose physical, mental, and emotional needs must be met 365 days a year. There will never be a one or two week interval when nothing is happening. Consider your needs and the needs of the center and decide on ...

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