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Developmental Language Disorder: A Common, Yet Hidden, Childhood Communication Disorder

by Tiffany P. Hogan
January/February 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/developmental-language-disorder-a-common-yet-hidden-childhood-communication-disorder/5025112/

*Tables and photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


Logan was Kim’s third child. He was a sweet and active 2-year-old, yet he rarely talked. When she wondered about his lack of words, she rationalized that his older sisters spoke for him. They seemed intuitive to his needs, giving him juice at breakfast when he reached toward them with his sticky hands. She decided to keep track of his words. She ran to the refrigerator wipe board each time he spoke, often to realize that she had already written the word he was saying. After a week she had noted 20 words. Not too bad, she thought.

That night, a Facebook memory showed her a video clip of her middle daughter at Logan’s age. She was speaking in full sentences. She wondered how many words she would have had if Kim had written them down—too many to even keep track of. She decided to bring this up to his preschool teacher. Was Logan talking less than his classmates? She just did not have a grasp of how many words children should use at age two. Logan’s teacher said that Logan did not say as much as his ...

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