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Developing Pre-Number Concepts in Preschool

by Vishakha Deshpande
January/February 2018
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/developing-pre-number-concepts-in-preschool/5023928/

Mathematics programs for a rapidly changing world equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to cope with the future. The 20th century saw significant changes in the way mathematics is presented to children. For the last 70 years a continuing debate in education has centered on, “What is basic for children to learn?” One position holds computational proficiency as “basic” for mathematics, while the alternate position promotes understanding of concepts. 

In early 20th century Edward Thorndike put forth his stimulus-response theory, which believes that learning occurs when a bond of connection is established between stimulus and an appropriate response. This theory proposes that children should be encouraged to learn by themselves, rather than receiving instruction from teachers. He sets his theory of “Connectionism” with three Laws of learning:

  • The Law of Readiness
  • The Law of Exercise
  • The Law of Effect

The lessons based on this theory consisted of presenting many number combinations so that children could make connections of bonds between combinations and their answer. But in the 1930s researchers and theoreticians challenged this theory. Researchers like William Brownell, Zoltan Dienes, Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, Richard Scemp, Lev Vygotsky, and Robert Gagne provided theories that guided in ...

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