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Developing Literacy Skills Using Recycling: Innovation and Creativity in South Africa

by Julie Hay
May/June 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/developing-literacy-skills-using-recycling-innovation-and-creativity-in-south-africa/5027140/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.

What does the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study have in common with packaging that you would usually discard? Would you believe me if I said that it was achievement in literacy?

The PIRLS assessments focus on the 4th year of schooling as this is the time when children have learned how to read and are now reading to learn, and we are able to measure the children’s ability to read for meaning (Mullis et al., 2023). This study, therefore, is essentially measuring the effectiveness of the development from emergent to conventional literacy which takes place in the early years, with some research suggesting that this developmental process literally begins in the womb (Cecil et al., 2020). We can compare the development of emergent to conventional literacy to the building of a house. Each skill that a child masters is another brick in the structure, and the interaction between the adult and the child provides the cement that holds the bricks in place. Therefore the more skills a child masters, the more solid the structure upon which the child’s conventional literacy can be built, ultimately resulting in a child who is ...

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