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Decoding Technology - Networking and Advocacy Tools

by Tim Walker and Chip Donohue
September/October 2004
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/decoding-technology-networking-and-advocacy-tools/5015952/

Tech Terms

In previous “Decoding Technology” columns we have defined and described a number of essential tech tools for networking and advocacy such as
e-mail, listservs, distributions lists (January, 2004) and discussion forums, chats, and Webcasts (March, 2004). When used to share ideas and bring people together, these tech tools can help create communities of practice among early childhood professionals.

• Community of practice: An informal network that develops between members of a group or profession out of a desire to work more effectively together. Early childhood communities of practice develop over time when professionals share a common sense of purpose and a desire to exchange ideas, experiences, and resources.

Tech Tools

E-mail and the Internet make it easier than ever to network and collaborate with other professionals and to advocate for young children, parents, families, and the profession. These essential tools will help you get started:

• An e-mail account for sending and receiving messages with professional colleagues, for participating in distribution lists and listservs, and for exchanging documents and files as attachments.

• A Web browser for finding Web pages, searching the Internet for advocacy information, and participating in discussion forums, chats, and Webcasts. Popular Web browsers include Microsoft Internet Explorer (www.microsoft.com/windows/ie) and ...

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