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Creative Use of Technology with School-Agers

by Ina Lynn McClain
September/October 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/creative-use-of-technology-with-school-agers/5012357/

Megan and Rachel are industriously taking apart a computer. They have tested the hard drive of the computer they are now disassembling to find out why it does not work. The case comes off the computer and they locate the hard drive and examine how they will remove this part of the computer. They formulate a plan. With tools in hands, they chat about their task as they proceed to remove the hard drive. They are only aware of the others around them when they need information from an older youth or adult in the group. Once the hard drive is removed, they begin to do the same operation on another computer. Their goal is to swap the hard drives. They extricate the hard drive from the second computer, slip it into place in the first, and secure it. Eagerly, they put the case on the computer and test the hard drive. They squeal with delight when it works.

Megan and Rachel (nine and ten years old) are part of a 4-H Hardware Project. This project helps demystify the machine for youth involved by allowing them to take surplus computers and physically upgrade the hard drive and/or add memory to the ...

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