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Creative Alliances Maximize Center Efforts

by Christina Cox
March/April 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/creative-alliances-maximize-center-efforts/5012687/

Exchange asked Christina Cox to interview two respected Hawaiian collaborators for this article.

We found ourselves, once again, meeting to plan the future, enjoying the tropical breezes on another perfect balmy January evening - as the saying goes, "Lucky we live Hawaii."

I could hear Bonnie's voice - "You are competitors! How did this collaboration ever happen? How did this kind of thinking begin?" - and was then immediately pulled back to the conversation at hand as two members of the Coalition* - the two most demanding members of the group - began to respond to my first interview question by describing their relationship as a Sumo wrestling match - "The two fiercest of competitors enter the ring, grunt 'rrr," throw salt in the ring, bow . . . and . . . ," they dissolve into laughter,so it begins. I am laughing to the point of tears and silently groaning at the fact that once again I find myself trying to harness their energy and focus their conversation to bring about an end product, this article. I must admit I have gotten better at it over the past few years. When all six members are together, it's a real challenge!

For the ...

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