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Cooking in the Classroom with Ms. Erica Lewis

by Sherilynn Johnson Kimble
July/August 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/cooking-in-the-classroom-with--ms.-erica-lewis/5027240/

If you are planning to start a cooking adventure with young children, this story may inspire your efforts. Cooking is a great way for children to build confidence, learn healthy habits, and become adventurous eaters. As children learn the importance of nourishing both body and mind, they become equipped with tools to lead heathier, more empowered lives.

The Caring Center was established in 1982, serving children 8 weeks to 10 years of age. The Center’s holistic approach to early childhood development is the cornerstone of its learning objectives. The Center’s commitment to fostering the well-being of the child’s mind and body is demonstrated through its innovative and comprehensive food program, which helps children learn about and participate in the process of growing, harvesting, and transforming fresh foods into healthy, delicious treats.

Ms. Erica has served The Caring Center community for 24 years as food service and hospitality manager, sharing her culinary passion with families and young children. In collaboration with local farmers, their animal friends and Philly’s notable, beloved farmer, Ms. Jenny Dunkler, Ms. Erica leads children in learning about the origins of their foodexploring the sources of milk, eggs, and various meats, as well as the origins of staples such as ...

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