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Continuity of Care: A Growing Trend

by Karen Miller
July/August 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/continuity-of-care-a-growing-trend/5010475/

Dear Reader,

This month's topic is one that usually generates a lot of discussion. While child care administrators and program directors recognize the benefits to the child, they find it difficult to administer and sometimes give up before they start.

Are you already implementing continuity of care in your infant-toddler program? Would you be willing to serve as a resource to others in your region? Please write a note to the address at the end of this column and let me know. I will refer people to you when they contact me or Child Care Information Exchange for information.

Please share your questions and experiences, and we will follow up on this topic in future issues.

Continuity of Care:
A Growing Trend

Continuity of care is the practice of keeping the same caregiver with infants and toddlers for two or three years. The teacher starts with a group of babies in the infant room. When the children are ready to move up to the toddler room - rather than saying "good-bye," with the resulting grief of separation for both the child and the caregiver - the caregiver goes with the children to the toddler room and becomes the toddler teacher. ...

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