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Consider This: Keeping Our Balance: Walking the Tightrope of Pessimism and Hope

by Luis Hernandez
July/August 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/consider-this-keeping-our-balance-walking-the-tightrope-of-pessimism-and-hope/5026696/

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We are living in times that are dark—wars, pandemic, racial strife, attacks on personal freedoms, cultural frays, substance abuse, violence. The list goes on and on. These can coalesce into clouds of pessimism that hang over all of us. These times are confusing and complex and complicated for all of us—the tension and anxiety are palatable.

In our ECE professional work, we are battered by factors beyond our control. Staff shortages, unique family needs, changing work environments, confronting issues of equity and justice, making sense of shifting economics. Behind our screens, we watch debates about critical race theory, banning of books, and the hijacking of “developmentally appropriate.” Plus, that fight in Disney World! What is a rational person to do? How do we find our own truth, strengthen our values, seek solutions, and rekindle hope?

Perhaps the first reality check is to know that these complicated and complex issues ...

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