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Connecting the Dots

by Debra R. Sullivan
May/June 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/connecting-the-dots/5021733/

Welcome to the World Forum! This is a very exciting time for me. I’ve been ‘planning’ to go to the World Forum since the first one in Hawai’i in 1999, but never could quite arrange my schedule to make it happen.

The main goal of the World Forum is connecting people, creating relationships, to have people leave with many new friends from many different countries. Just thinking about it energizes me with great anticipation. Why? Because I intend to take four actions at the World Forum that break four of the many ‘rules’ we learned as young children:

• First, I’m going to get lost.
• Then I’m going to sound stupid.
• Next I’m going to play with ­strangers.
• And finally I’m going to color outside the lines.

And I’m going to do all this by connecting dots.

I have always connected dots. It’s one of my favorite activities. Remember when you were a little one just learning your 123s and ABCs? There was the worksheet where you’d have to connect dots by remembering the order of the numbers or the alphabet. The first of such exercises was usually a balloon, easy to figure out now but, oh, what a challenge back ...

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