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Connected Dots and Broken Rules

by Debra R. Sullivan
September/October 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/connected-dots-and-broken-rules/5021990/

In May I attended my first World Forum, in Puerto Rico. I was excited to go because I had heard so much about it and felt like I was missing out on something quite powerful and wonderful! Well, everyone was right �" the World Forum is powerful and wonderful! Powerful dots were connected and ­wonderful rules were broken. My goal was to take full advantage of the opportunities that are bound to present themselves when 841 people from 81 countries come together for four days on behalf of children. So I gave myself a ­challenge: connect the dots and break the rules by getting lost, sounding ­stupid, playing with strangers, and ­coloring ­outside the lines.

Let me explain the dots and rules. First, the dots. I have a close relationship with dots and my ongoing quest to connect them. To me, dots represent people, ideas, concepts, items, places, food, words, you name it. When you connect two random dots, the line between the dots can result in something unique, creative, and innovative. For example, what if you decided to connect a dot called ‘happiness index’ and a dot called ‘map’ (two dots I came across at the World Forum)? I ...

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