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Confronting Workplace Bullying

by Rebekah Shurtleff-Ainscough
March/April 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/confronting-workplace-bullying/5022822/

In networking with other directors of child care facilities in the healthcare industry, I learned that bullying behaviors among staff were not uncommon. I was troubled by this phenomenon of peer-on-peer workplace bullying, or what I learned was called ‘lateral violence.’ Recognizing the need to address this behavior, I presented a webinar to directors in my professional network on the manifestations of lateral violence, the reasons for and costs of lateral violence, and strategies for ­eliminating lateral violence and building a great place to work.

According to Pontus and Scherrer (2011),

“Workplace bullying is characterized by many incidents of unjustifiable actions of an individual or group toward a person or group over a long period. Bullying behaviors are persistent, offensive, abusive, threatening, and malicious in nature with the intent to do harm. The person who bullies may be in a position of power (actual or perceived).”

The many manifestations of lateral violence include: 

  • refusing to mentor and guide new staff in their practice.
  • refusing to help others in need of assistance.
  • intimidating with threats of disciplinary procedures.
  • writing critical and abusive letters or notes.
  • belittling gestures like rolling of eyes, folded arms, staring straight ahead or ‘through’ when communication is attempted, using hand gestures to ward off conversation.
  • backstabbing, scapegoating, ...

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