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Climate of Joy

by Luis A. Hernandez
November/December 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/climate-of-joy/5023232/

We all want to be happy at work, even though we know it may entail long hours, questionable working conditions, unstable co-workers, and the endless cycles of repetitive routines. And then there’s the reality of low pay, unpredictable managers or directors, and the fact that our daily good work often goes unnoticed. Truly, why even bother showing up?

Disaffection among workers has led to research and corporate discussions on how to create ‘happy workers’ in order to improve morale, productivity, and even workplace safety. Creating workplace happiness has led management organizations and eager consultants (myself included) to showcase ‘happiness’ workshops, fun team-building exercises, and cool ideas for making workers happy. But do pizza parties and balloons on birthdays truly create joy in the work we do every day?

First, let’s reflect on some distinctions between the ever popular ‘happiness’ factor and the elusiveness of ‘joy.’ Being happy is feeling pleasure and being content. On the other hand, joy is feeling great pleasure and happiness. In a most perfect world, we need a combination of both to achieve our good intentions in working with children, families, and each other. The essence of both requires enthusiasm, motivation, energy, and positive attitudes. And these elements cultivate ...

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