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Child Care Relief Funding: Addressing Questions and Challenges

by Lynette M. Fraga and Diane Girouard
November/December 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/child-care-relief-funding-addressing-questions-and-challenges/5026222/

The passage of temporary federal relief by Congress presents an opportunity for states and local governments to make smart investments that will lay the foundation for a stronger child care system nationwide. Child care advocates have a big role to play in helping policymakers determine what policies will build a better system moving forward in an equitable, efficient, and transparent way. To accomplish this, child care advocates will need to continuously meet with policymakers to amplify stories, share concerns and challenges, and present data on the landscape of child care, both now and before the pandemic.

Many policymakers understand that access to high-quality child care and early learning supports childhood development, helps families stay in the workforce, and keeps our economy going. This means that some policymakers and state administrators are ready to have conversations with you about how to use federal relief funds, and will be receptive to your feedback on policies that will create the foundation for a stable, accessible, and affordable child care system.

However, you may hear hesitation or questions about using funds to build long-term capacity and sustainability for child care. Policymakers may express concern that these “one-time” relief funds, like in the American Rescue Plan Act, are ...

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