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Child Care Providers and Child Nutrition: Why Reauthorizing Federal Programs Matters

by Anne Hedgepeth and Christina Koch
March/April 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/child-care-providers-and-child-nutrition-why-reauthorizing-federal-programs-matters/5027028/

Federal child nutrition programs come up for reauthorization or renewal every five years, and this process gives Congress an opportunity to examine the current law and make improvements. The current law, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296), expired in 2015. When a reauthorization is delayed, Congress usually includes funding to maintain the program as-is through the annual appropriations process, which allows the program to continue to operate. However, this means we are about seven years overdue for changes to be implemented to strengthen federal child nutrition programs.

In July 2022, House Education and Labor Chairman Bobby Scott (D-VA) introduced H.R.8450 The Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act, the committee’s Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill. The plans outlined in the bill would address the rising rates of child hunger, support access to participation in federal nutrition programs, and continue improving the nutritional value of meals provided to children. While this bill did not pass before the end of the 117th Congress in 2022, this was still an important step forward in progressing CNR.

The Child and Adult Care Food Program in CNR 

Federal nutrition programs play a critical role in supporting the health, nutrition, development, and academic achievement of children. CACFP is ...

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